Why Emerald Aloe?
A potent antioxidant, Emerald Aloe scavenges dangerous free radicals with vitamins A, C & E, and other naturally occurring nutrients.
Emerald Aloe carries antioxidants, nutrients & moisture into the skin's inner layers while polysaccharides create a natural barrier preventing moisture loss.
Natural sun protection (8) Emerald Aloe produces an antioxidant protein in the skin that helps heal sun damage and slow further damage by consistent daily application and can help hydrate and slow the aging of the skin.
Emerald Aloe contains over 200 biologically active compounds (Vitamins, Minerals, etc.) with the ability to stimulate skin renewal at a cellular level, reverse aging and enhance the production of fibroblasts necessary for collagen and elastin regeneration.
Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E,) and Folic Acid, Amino Acid, Anthraquinones, Enzymes, Lignin, Minerals (Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Phosphorous, Sodium, Zinc), Mucopolysaccharides, Salicylic Acid, Saponins, Sterols.
In 1987 we met our mentor, he called himself the Father of Aloe Vera.

We spent 3.5 hours in his living room fascinated by his story of a rare and powerful aloe plant and that all aloe is NOT the same. He showed us studies, pictures, keys to cities and his life’s work of helping people.
It all started with him thinking there had to be a natural cure for SUNBURN. He discovered a miraculous plant through a Seminole medicine man, stabilized it and had Clinical studies conducted in an FDA approved laboratory. We hope you find “Why Emerald Aloe?" as fascinating as we did and do! And remember…ALL ALOE IS NOT THE SAME!
Our Mentor's timeline
Discovery of a rare and powerful aloe, Emerald Aloe.
1942 our mentor suffered from what he called the “grandaddy of all sunburns”.
1947 He began his search for a natural cure for sunburn.
He talked to everyone under the sun and finally met a Seminole medicine man using a plant for burns and open-air surgeries. This is when he first learned of Aloe Vera.
He visited the local library and learned aloe vera had been around for thousands of years.
He learned that a major company had spent over $66,000 trying to stabilize the aloe with no success and finally gave it up.
He spent 3 years working with a chemist and finally stabilized the fresh aloe gel with all its properties intact.
In 1956 he formulated the first aloe ointment with 55% of the fresh gel. He pioneered Clinical Studies in an FDA-approved laboratory so he could market his aloe ointment to the medical community.
The FDA took no exception to anything in the report, proving his aloe ointment (55% aloe) stopped skin damage within 30 minutes of application and worked along with the body's natural ability to renew and heal itself.
His Aloe Ointment went on to win approval by the Food and Drug Administration.
In 1956 a doctor used the aloe gel for a man burned with hot pitch on only parts of his wounds. Those parts healed faster with none of the usual scarring. Doctors and hospitals began recommending his product.
Women began using his aloe ointment and noticing lines and wrinkles were softening and disappearing!
This is when he realized the same process that heals a third-degree thermal burn also works to restore skin damaged by daily exposure!
He was written up in medical journals, and newspapers.
He was unable to keep up with the demand.
He searched for world for more aloe,
He thought the aloe they found in Mexico was going to be the answer, but when they tested it, they found it had virtually no healing properties.
This is when he realized all aloe is NOT the same, and that the growth of his company was going to be controlled by how quickly he could grow more aloe vera.
He never found other aloe with the same properties, even though many of them looked the same!
This explained why, throughout the years, various researchers had conflicting results.
Later, his aloe fields were plowed under for commercial development, because he had over-extended investors and lost control.
When we met him he had access to one small field in the middle of Florida, with enough plants for us to plant our first field.
The Proof...Clinical Studies
He pioneered Clinical Studies as a treatment for third degree thermal burns in an FDA licensed laboratory. The FDA took “No Exception” to the results of the Clinical Studies and agreed that the aloe ointment stimulated the skin’s ability to stop the damage and regenerate new tissue beginning within 30 minutes of application.
Clinical Studies
Histopathological Changes 30 minutes After Third Degree Thermal Burn.

Lost of Moisture
Blood flow interrupted

Very little lost of moisture
Blood flow normal
No infection

These findings explained how this rare aloe, Emerald Aloe, could aid in stopping skin damage and renewal in a third degree thermal burn within 30 minutes of application.
• Emerald Aloe’s natural, synergistic ingredients work to restore, repair and activate the skin’s normal rejuvenating processes.
• Exfoliates dead and damaged skin cells and stimulates new healthy skin cells.
• Increases fibroblasts and collagen production up to 8 times normal levels.
• Restores & maintains the skin’s natural acidic PH, the skin’s first line of defense against the environment.
• Stimulates circulation in the capillaries, delivering oxygen and vital nutrients necessary for skin to renew and heal itself.
• Hydrates the skin, drawing moisture into the skin like water to a sponge.
• Reduces Inflammation, a primary cause of scarring (wrinkles are sun scars!).
• Stimulates the skin’s natural ability to renew and heal itself from the inside out.
• Normalizes Cellular renewal.
• Boosts the skin’s immune system.
Aloe is Identified in Clinical Studies published in several medical journals including the 'Industrial Medicine and Surgery', 'Annals of Surgery', and 'The American Cancer Society, Inc.'
The Aloe Ointment was subsequently used to successfully treat severe radiation burns at the University of Chicago, Argonne Nuclear Laboratory’s Linear accelerator and was granted a US Government General Services Administration contract for use in the NASA space program.
All Aloe is NOT the Same!
After the Clinical Studies were published, he couldn’t keep up with the demand for the Aloe Ointment. He searched the world for more aloe and never found any other aloe with the same amazing properties.
He NOW understood why the Drs. C.E and C. Collins had conflicting results!
With over 180 species of 2200 varieties all aloe is NOT the same!
Emerald Aloe Fields
To ensure we use the gel only from this rare tropical Aloe Vera Plant, the plants we grow ourselves are ALL direct descendants of the plants discovered from the Seminole Indians.
Our Emerald Aloe Vera leaves are hand filleted and carefully blended with other naturally derived emollients to preserve the secret rejuvenating and Anti-Aging properties of the Emerald Aloe Vera Gel in AndraSina Skincare treatment products.